Pin by Brad Fielding on Which One Do I Take Today Top

Pin by Brad Fielding

A brass fastener, brad, paper fastener or split pin is a stationery item used for securing multiple sheets of paper together. A patent of the fastener was issued in 1866 to George W McGill. The fastener is inserted into punched holes in the stack of paper, and the leaves, or tines, of the legs are separated and bent over to secure the paper.This holds the pin in place and the sheets of paper ...

Bradul (Abies) este un gen care cuprinde aproximativ 4555 de specii de conifere din familia Pinaceae, răspândite preponderent în zonele muntoase ale emisferei nordice.Sunt arbori de talie mare cu înrădăcinare pivotantă. Coroana este piramidală deasă, umbroasă, scoarța mult timp netedă cu pungi de rășină. Lujerii sunt netezi, iar mugurii dispuși terminal întotdeauna câte trei.

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Related : Pin by Brad Fielding on Which One Do I Take Today Top .