That baremetal restoration saw it switched to righthand drive and painted red and it has since been well cared for It joins the other 17 cars from the collection of Anthony Hamilton Lewis Hamiltons father in the catalogue for Silverstone Auctions Silverstone Classic Live Online Auction on 31 July1 August
you may see this video: Classic Muscle Car Lot Inventory Walk Around 3821 American Hot Rods Vintage Maple Motors
13 1957 Chevrolet Corvette C1 est 7590000 As far as this collection goes this lot really does represent something different and as weve come to expect from Anthony Hamiltons cars it appears to be in fantastic condition Silverstone Auctions describes it as one of the best restorations it has seen
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Hasil web Check out Lewis Hamiltons dads car collection and its for httpswwwclassicandsportscarcom A champion collection Sixtime Formula One drivers champion Lewis Hamilton is no stranger to Silverstone so perhaps its no coincidence that his father
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